Yard Machines Lawn Mower 11A-02SB700 Review

It isn’t because this is a super powerful mower or a do-it-all landscaping mower that I included it at number four in my top 5 gas powered mowers list. In fact, this Yard Machines lawn mower 11A-02SB700 makes a surprise, but deserved, appearance owing to its affordable price tag and petite size. At just 140cc, the Powermore OHV engine has just enough bang for the buck to mull through a small to mid-sized suburban lawn.

45 pounds is what it actually weighs and topped off with gasoline it won’t cross over 53 pounds making it the lightest gas mower in my top 5 list. Just don’t think you can rear bag or mulch with this Yard Machines lawn mower – it was designed & engineered to only mow.

Product Info:

  • Walk Behind Mower
  • Petrol Mower
  • 140cc OHV motor


  • 20 inch cutting deck
  • Comfortable loop handle
  • 3 Height positions
  • Weight: 45 lbs.
  • 1-year warranty

Yard Machines 140cc 20-Inch Push Mower

Amazon Amazon.com
Last update was on: March 12, 2025 2:05 pm

Ease Of Use

Assembling the Yard Machines lawn mower 11A-02SB700 takes time, I am not shitting bricks! The accompanying manual for this mower is about 44 pages long and most of it details how to set it up. From the handle to the rip starter cord, the wheels and what not. Yeah, this is as close as you will get to serious DIY projects so if you aren’t the kind of guy who feels a sense of pride from building something on your own, Do Not Get This! Thankfully, the guys at Yard Machines have taken the pain to elaborate each and every step with accompanying labelled images so you really won’t get lost amidst all the nuts & bolts. Just remember to have a nice set of wrenches handy before you start.

Once assembled though, this little red beauty is all pleasure and no pain. Top it off with gas (first time and subsequent refueling are detailed in a separate engine manual), prime the engine two or three times, press the throttle ‘loop’ handle and rip the starter cord to unleash the engine’s purr. It worked on the very first attempt for me and has done so ever since. Moving this mower around, that is pushing it, is easy and does not take much effort probably because of its petite weight. As for adjusting handle height and other such novelties, they are all self-explanatory.

Cut Quality

20 inch wide deck, 140cc engine together translate to a pretty decent cut quality irrespective of conditions. However if you have tried out Husqvarna, Lawn Boy or other power hungry beasts you may be in for a slight let down. Because of its weight and balanced wheel height this mower is not suitable for extra-tough grass strains, particularly Bermuda. My advice get something else if you have to face tougher strains of grass on a regular basis or you tend to ignore weekly mowing demands.

Height Adjustment

I am thoroughly disappointed with the lack of easy adjustment levers. I understand that features are decided in conjunction with the price point of any product but denying standard specs is never a good idea. This Yard machine lawn mower, while capable of operating on three height settings, needs a good 15 minutes to change between each setting. Why? Because you have to unscrew or untether each wheel from its supporting socket and re-attach the carriage bolts in a different hole to achieve change in height! And, you have to do it four times remembering which hole you used to start with. I hope Yard Machine reads my 11A-02SB700 review because upping the price by another $15 and giving a lever on each wheel to adjust the height will definitely attract more buyers. To iterate what I previously said, you better be a DIY lover to make, operate and maintain this mower. (So why have I ranked this particular Yard Machine as my 4th best gas mower? Read till the last to find out!)

Motor Power

Not a Briggs & Stratton or Honda engine but rather a lesser known PowerMore engine rated at 140cc gives life to this petite mower. To some people it is yet another reason why to stay away from the Yard machine lawn mower, but let me be straight with you – even Honda and Briggs & Stratton engines tend to fail after a couple of years, not to mention the maintenance they demand. At under $200, I say this mower has an impressive engine, which also happens to be light and quick to start.


As there aren’t many parts that may get damaged over the years, I don’t foresee major maintenance issues with this mower. Everything in this mower is bolted on, including the wheels (remember I said read on and find out why I rate the 11A-02SB700 mower 4th in my list?). The only thing that may need replacement or a casual sharpening is the blades. Just keep oiling them or spray PAM on the deck underside before you mow to prolong their life

Cost Effectiveness

Love playing LEGOs with your kids? Got involved with DIY home projects recently? Feel comfortable handling a wrench, assembling tools and gadgets? Then this yard machine lawn mower is going to be a cheerful addition to your landscaping toolshed. Once assembled and primed, it does not cost a penny for the next couple of years. Forget the warranty (only 1 year by manufacturer) and what not, this mower won’t quit on you ever!

  • Strong motor
  • Affordable priced
  • Low maintenance


  • Assembling and height adjustments are a bit complicated
  • Not suitable for stronger grass, like Bermuda


Total Score

Perfect Light Mower for DIY Experts!This mower is perfect for you if you like putting things together, taking the time to learn how something operates and don’t mind getting your hands dirty. Trust me, once you are done assembling this mower, you won’t ever again have to take a wrench out (unless it is to change the height of course).

7.3Editor’s score
Ease of Use
Cut Quality
Height Adjustment
Motor Power
Cost Efectiveness
8User’s score
Ease of Use
Cut Quality
Height Adjustment
Motor Power
Cost Efectiveness

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